Cryotherapy, what is it and what are the health benefits

Cryotherapy is a treatment that is performed in a cryosauna or cryochamber and involves subjecting the body to temperatures as low as -130 degrees for a duration of about three minutes.

Using this therapy, it is generally possible to try to counter inflammation or improve physical recovery following training or post-injury.

Cryotherapy is very useful as it is able to bring numerous benefits to those who decide to undergo it. These include aiding the disposal of toxins, stimulating metabolism or blood circulation.

What is cryotherapy
Cryotherapy is a treatment that is performed in a cryosauna or cryochamber and involves subjecting the body to temperatures as low as -130 degrees for a duration of about three minutes. Using this therapy, it is generally possible to try to counter inflammation or improve physical recovery following training or post-injury. Cryotherapy is very useful as it is able to bring numerous benefits to those who decide to undergo it.
For whom it is indicated
Cryotherapy is particularly popular among athletes, both professional and amateur, but in recent years it has also become fashionable among those who want to combat skin aging or control body weight.
Health benefits
The benefits of cryotherapy are many. Among them, it is particularly valued for stimulating the production of pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory substances such as endorphins and cytokines, for stimulating metabolism, and also for stimulating blood circulation.
Other benefits of cryotherapy
Additional benefits of cryotherapy include balancing the endocrine system and promoting toxin disposal.
The possible orthopedic, neurological, and wellness benefits
Cryotherapy can be usefully employed for post-injury muscle treatment or for the treatment of acute inflammation. In addition, it can be used to counter the effects on muscles of chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. In the aesthetic field, it can be useful for controlling weight, reducing water retention and counteracting cellulite and skin ageing.
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