High-protein breakfast: five ideas to try

The protein breakfast is becoming increasingly popular, and not only among sportsmen and women. Proteins (and essential fatty acids) are indispensable for the human organism. 

One of the most common benefits of a protein breakfast is the simple fact that fats and proteins have a high satiating potential - so they will suppress hunger for a longer period of time. In practice, this means that by eating a high-protein breakfast, we are more likely to avoid the morning snack and resist hunger until lunch. 

Are you curious about examples of healthy protein breakfasts you can prepare at home? Here are some ideas to try:

High-protein breakfast: five ideas to try
The protein breakfast is becoming increasingly popular, and not only among sportsmen and women. Proteins (and essential fatty acids) are indispensable for the human organism. One of the most common benefits of a protein breakfast is the simple fact that fats and proteins have a high satiating potential - so they will suppress hunger for a longer period of time. In practice, this means that by eating a high-protein breakfast, we are more likely to avoid the morning snack and resist hunger until lunch. Are you curious about examples of healthy protein breakfasts you can prepare at home? Here are some ideas to try:
Greek yogurt with oatmeal
Greek yoghurt has a high protein content, like eggs, and is therefore satiating for a longer period of time. Nuts or various seeds can be added, as can a small amount of honey for sweetening.  100 g of Greek yoghurt contains 9 g of protein (source:
Scrambled eggs
A classic and quick protein breakfast. Scrambled eggs can be accompanied by fresh vegetables and protein bread. 100 g scrambled eggs contain 10 g protein (source: USDA)
Protein bars
Bars are perfect for those mornings when you are in a bit of a hurry or they can also replace a healthy snack during the day. They are readily available in stores or can be prepared at home.
A quick and easy recipe, omelettes can be made with the vegetables you have at home. Courgette, peppers or avocado and fresh tomatoes are great.
Protein shake
A great solution for those who struggle to prepare their own breakfast but want to get the benefits of a protein breakfast. In summer you can opt for peach, avocado and coconut, while in winter you can use apple, kiwi and citrus fruits. If possible, do not remove the peel, as it is the most nutrient-rich part. You can also use skimmed milk or goat's milk as well as almond butter or peanut butter.
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