Five foods that make hair grow fast

Nutrition plays a key role in hair growth. A balanced and varied diet, rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, is essential for nourishing hair follicles and keeping hair healthy and strong. 

Proteins are essential for the formation of keratin, the main hair protein, while vitamins such as biotin, vitamin C and vitamin E promote hair growth and improve hair appearance. In addition, minerals such as iron, zinc and copper are important for the absorption of essential hair nutrients. If the diet is deficient in these elements, it can lead to hair loss and the development of problems such as alopecia. 

A healthy, balanced diet rich in protein, fruit, vegetables and whole grains helps keep hair strong and healthy, promoting its growth and preventing premature hair loss. Let's find out together which foods help hair growth.

Almonds contain a high biotin content. Supplement your diet with a cup of almonds a day. Your hair will start to grow faster after a few weeks.
Avocados can be used not only in cooking, but also in the preparation of hair creams. Avocados contain essential fatty acids that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
Eggs contain both omega-3 and biotin, but beware it is the yolk that makes hair longer not the white of the egg.
Salmon is an essential food for a healthy, balanced diet. In fact, it helps our body in a variety of ways, including in hair growth.
Oysters are rich in zinc, a key element that helps make the scalp healthy and prevents hair loss. Definitely not a cheap remedy, but certainly the most curious.
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