Peanut butter: possible benefits and what to pay attention to

Peanut butter is a food native to the United States, commonly sold in stores around the world. Elvis Presley, for example, loved sandwiches made with peanut butter, bacon and banana.

It is a beige cream with a dense consistency, which ideally consists only of peanuts, cheaper variants contain various solidified vegetable fats and oils. For this reason it is often discredited by nutritionists, but peanut butter prepared according to the traditional recipe can be considered a genuine food with a considerable nutritional intake.

What are the possible benefits of peanut butter and what should we pay attention to? Browse the gallery to find out everything:

Peanut butter: possible benefits and what to pay attention to
Peanut butter is a food native to the United States, commonly sold in stores around the world. Elvis Presley, for example, loved sandwiches made with peanut butter, bacon and banana. It is a beige cream with a dense consistency, which ideally consists only of peanuts, cheaper variants contain various solidified vegetable fats and oils. For this reason, it is often discredited by nutritionists, but peanut butter prepared according to the traditional recipe can be considered a genuine food with a nutritional contribution. What are the possible benefits of peanut butter and what should we pay attention to?
Peanut butter is a source of vitamins and amino acids
Peanut butter is a source of vitamins and amino acids, which makes it a perfect food to integrate into vegan and vegetarian diets.
Peanut butter is rich in protein
Peanut butter is rich in protein and for this reason it is a very suitable food for athletes, especially those who need a significant protein intake.
Peanut butter helps our immunity
Peanuts have a high content of polyphenolic antioxidants (natural antioxidants), including p-coumaric acid, which affect the proper functioning of our immunity.
Peanut butter: an excellent source of vitamin E
100% peanut butter is a good source of vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant that helps protect cells from harmful oxygen free radicals.
Attention only to omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids
Peanut butter is a rich source of omega 6 fatty acids and it is very important to try to balance the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3. Therefore, omega 6 fatty acids are one of the limiting factors for not exaggerating with the amount of peanut butter consumed.
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