Tattoos, when it would be inadvisable to get them

Deciding to get a tattoo is an important choice because a tattoo is something that will remain on one's skin forever.

Tattooing is also a choice to be made safely, both in terms of equipment and hygienic conditions. But that is not all, because there are cases in which tattooing is not recommended or even avoided.

Often these are pathologies that advise against getting a tattoo, while at other times it may be inadvisable in certain parts of the body or when taking certain medications. (Source:

What to know before getting a tattoo
Deciding to get a tattoo is an important choice because a tattoo is something that will remain on one's skin forever. Tattooing is also a choice to be made safely, both in terms of equipment and hygienic conditions. But that is not all, because there are cases in which tattooing is not recommended or even avoided. Often these are pathologies that advise against getting a tattoo, while at other times it may be inadvisable in certain parts of the body or when taking certain medications. (Source:
When tattooing is contraindicated
In some situations tattooing is not recommended as doing so is contraindicated. These are, in particular, cases in which the following are present: photosensitivity, skin diseases, lesions in the area to be tattooed, predispositions to allergies, diabetes, cardiac abnormalities, epilepsy, pregnancy or lactation, immunosuppressive conditions, or diseases that predispose to infections.
When tattooing should be avoided
In any case, tattooing should be avoided if: you are taking drugs that alter the normal re-epithelialization of the skin, are taking chemotherapy, have a coagulation disorder, have a tendency to bleed, or if you are taking anticoagulant drugs.
Parts of the body not recommended for tattoos
Tattooing would be inadvisable on certain parts of the body. These are, in particular, areas where a tattoo has been removed by laser, areas that have undergone plastic surgery or radiotherapy within the last year, areas that have been tattooed for less than six weeks and scars that have been formed for less than a year.
Additional hints and tips
Other tips to follow before getting a tattoo include avoiding areas of the body where scarring is difficult, avoiding full-body tattoos, avoiding areas of the body where moles are present, and making sure that the area of the skin affected by the tattoo is healthy, undamaged and disinfected. If you have any doubts before getting the tattoo, you can contact your doctor.
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