Eight Ideal Foods for Skin Health

Eight ideal foods for skin health. Nutrition is essential if you are trying to get perfect skin.

With small tricks you can take care of your skin, keep it young and healthy simply by eating the right foods. In this photo gallery we have collected a list of foods (not all, but some of the most effective) that if added to your diet will give shine and health to the skin.

Forget cosmetic surgery and pharmaceuticals: with these foods you can get excellent results simply by eating well (and good!).

Here's how to have healthy skin
Nutrition is essential if you are trying to get perfect skin. With small tricks you can take care of your skin, keep it young and healthy simply by eating the right foods. In this photo gallery we have collected a list of foods (not all, but some of the most effective) that if added to your diet will give shine and elasticity to the skin. Forget cosmetic surgery and pharmaceuticals: with these foods you can get excellent results simply by eating well (and good!).
Oysters are food for the skin
Maybe you would never have said it, but in addition to being good, oysters are also very good for the skin. Rich in zinc and vitamin C, oysters have antioxidant properties that promote collagen production.
Blueberries promote circulation
Blueberries are an exceptional fruit for those with circulation problems in the legs. Daily consumption of blueberries improves microcirculation, promotes tissue regeneration and tones blood vessels.
Walnuts are an ideal food for the skin
Walnuts, rich in vitamins E, antioxidants and omega 3, are an ideal food for skin health. The fatty acids contained in walnuts protect the skin from the sun and improve elasticity.
Avocado slows down aging
Avocado slows down skin aging thanks to its high content of healthy fats and vitamin E, a strong anti-oxidant.
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Salmon is rich in Omega-3
Belonging to the family of fatty fish, salmon is a food rich in Omega-3 fats, which promote the health of the skin, making it elastic but compact and always hydrated.
Almonds protect against UV rays
Almonds contain an acid, called mandelic acid, which acts on the skin by lightening spots and erasing all imperfections. Almonds also contain alpha-tocopherol, which is able to offer strong protection to the skin against harmful UV rays.
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Garlic has anti-oxidant characteristics
Garlic contains vitamin C and B6, potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium. Thanks to these properties, garlic, often known for other benefits, can also be considered a useful food for skin health, thanks to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics.
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