Five Most Common New Year's Resolutions and How to Keep Them

Many people make New Year's resolutions. Most people would like to exercise more and stress less.

Good intentions include weight loss, healthy lifestyle, stress elimination and much more. The intentions of some people last more than a few weeks but unfortunately it is not so for everyone, which is a shame because it nullifies small results obtained with difficulty.

In this article we wake you up the most common resolutions but also our advice on how to maintain them throughout the year. Browse the gallery to discover them.

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Five Most Common New Year's Resolutions and How to Keep Them
Many people make New Year's resolutions. Most people would like to exercise more and stress less. Good intentions include weight loss, healthy lifestyle, stress elimination and much more. The intentions of some people last more than a few weeks but unfortunately it is not so for everyone, which is a shame because it nullifies small results obtained with difficulty. In this article we wake you up the most common resolutions but also our advice on how to maintain them throughout the year. Browse the gallery to discover them.
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1. Lose weight
Every year most people who make New Year's resolutions want to lose weight. Often, after the holiday season, many people have to deal with weight gain. Beware of fast and little-known diets. To really lose weight and keep fit, it is necessary above all to do physical activity and follow a healthy and balanced diet.
2. Less stress
The end of the year, for most people, is a period in which they work more and therefore involves a considerable increase in stress. Often, during some periods, you can not avoid but it is always very important to carve out time for yourself and give yourself the opportunity to recover your strength.
3. Stop smoking
The desire to quit smoking is one of the main intentions of many people. Most smokers who would like to quit decide to try it on the first day of the new year.
4. Start saving
Among the good intentions of many people is to start saving. You can start gradually, setting aside a very small amount weekly or monthly.
5. Regular exercise
Every year, in the months of January and February, fitness centers and gyms register many new members because for many people the good intentions concern physical fitness, exercise and diet.
How to keep your New Year's resolutions?
Our advice: to be able to keep your resolutions for the new year, you must first set specific and realistic goals and then try to keep them for a long time, without feeling guilty when you do not succeed perfectly.
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