5 mistakes to avoid at breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it is important to pay close attention to some cautions: here are some mistakes to avoid at breakfast to start the day off right without getting too heavy.

Too many carbohydrates: it is essential to have a complete, balanced breakfast. Wrong to overindulge in either just sweet or just savory.
Drinking only coffee: after a night of fasting, you need to eat. Drinking only a cup of coffee does not help you lose weight; in fact, it can cause the opposite effect and can also negatively affect your stomach.
Breakfast with TV on or smartphone: avoiding distractions while eating helps you eat more consciously and place more value on breakfast time
Only fruit: fruit is rich in vitamins and fiber but also in simple sugars that do not satiate. You run the risk of arriving at lunch very hungry!
Too much protein: same argument as for carbohydrates. Breakfast should be balanced, with the right apposto of carbohydrates and protein.
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